Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Eve - SOLD

Charlene's polymer clay teardrop with swirls of mocha and chocolate. Mmm Yum yum! Topped with a pair of rhodonite carved flowers from Japan, Eve is like a pair of chocolate topped with strawberry flowers sitting in the box screaming "Eat me!" or in this case "Bring me home!!" Maybe that screaming will prompt you to take petite Eve home. Eve measures 3.3cm excluding 14K gold plated ear hooks. This is an exclusive piece with no remakes.

1 comment:

nellie said...

Hi there,
we would like to invite you to set up at stall at our event at SMU - WEEKENDS. It is the next late night shopping spot in Singapore! for you we have a special discount if you sign up now!
please contact Nellie@97660472 for details! =)