Thursday, April 05, 2007

Mae - SOLD

Mae is nature cool with green jasper and carved roses of a stone which I'm not too sure of its origins. For the calm, cool and collected. Measures approx 4cm excluding 14K gold filled earhooks.

It's rather funny how I used to not like roses and never thought that I'd be using carved roses to such extent in my works. But now I think that they add a feminine touch to a pair of simple stones, just like in this case. Still simple but not to the extent of blah-ness. I've got more carved roses from Japan in case you were wondering why I'm yakking on about them and I nearly fell in love with the entire section in the gemstore while I was there. My other comp crashed and some of my photos are buried at the moment. Give me some time while I resurrect them from the dead.

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